
Las 17 mejores Campañas Publicitarias de la WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature)

Te traemos una muestra de las mejores Campañas Publicitarias de la WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature).

La WWF, (en español: "Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza"), es la mayor Organización Conservacionista Independiente en el Mundo.

1. "Give a Hand to Wildlife"

Give a Hand to Wildlife - Cebra

Give a Hand to Wildlife - Águila

Give a Hand to Wildlife - Elefante

Give a Hand to Wildlife - Tucán

Give a Hand to Wildlife - Leopardo

Give a Hand to Wildlife - Cocodrilo

2. "What will it take before we respect the planet?"

What will it take before we respect the planet? - Rinoceronte

What will it take before we respect the planet? - Elefante

What will it take before we respect the planet? - Elefante

What will it take before we respect the planet? - Ballena

3. "Extinction can't be fixed"

Extinction can't be fixed - Tigre

Extinction can't be fixed - Oso Polar

Extinction can't be fixed - Rinoceronte

4. "What on earth are we doing to our planet?"

What on earth are we doing to our planet? - Oso Polar

What on earth are we doing to our planet? - León

What on earth are we doing to our planet? - Chimpancé

5. "Stop Desertification"

Stop Desertification - Elefante

Stop Desertification - Guacamaya

Stop Desertification - Chita

6. "The only animal left is Human"

The only animal left is Human - Collar

The only animal left is Human - Bolsa

The only animal left is Human - Pulsera

7. Acción contra la sobre-pesca de Atún - "Would you care more if I was... ?"

Would you care more if I was... ? - Gorila

Would you care more if I was... ? - Panda

Would you care more if I was... ? - Rinoceronte

8. "The future is man made"

The future is man made - Rinoceronte

The future is man made - Canguro

The future is man made - Tigre
The future is man made - Corales

9. "For a living planet"

For a living planet - Orangután

For a living planet - Tortuga

10. "Fashion claims more Victims than you think"

Fashion claims more Victims than you think

Fashion claims more Victims than you think

Fashion claims more Victims than you think
Fashion claims more Victims than you think

11. "Help protect the future of Endangered Species"

Help protect the future of Endangered Species

Help protect the future of Endangered Species

Help protect the future of Endangered Species
Help protect the future of Endangered Species

12. "You can help stop global warming"

You can help stop global warming - Pingüino

You can help stop global warming - Foca

You can help stop global warming - Oso Polar

13. "Stop Climate Change before it changes you"

14. "Save Paper. Save the Planet"

Save Paper. Save the Planet

Save Paper. Save the Planet

Save Paper. Save the Planet

15. "Let them eat cake"

16. "If we don't stop Global Warming. Nature will"

If we don't stop Global Warming. Nature will

If we don't stop Global Warming. Nature will

If we don't stop Global Warming. Nature will

If we don't stop Global Warming. Nature will 
If we don't stop Global Warming. Nature will

17. "I'm not a..."

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